
Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Hey all It has been a few days since we have sent out a blog, so I wanted to catch up with every one and let everyone know what is up here on the farm. 
    For one thing it is starting to get cold, brrrrr. But is still isn't cold enough that we are not able to work out side, and continue to get things closed up for the season, or the season to come.
    I mentioned on my previous post about my daughter Anna, and how she was such a big helper when it came to the puppies.  But it comes so natural for her, she is a lover of all animals.  Here is a picture of her, and her good friend Emmy

     They have been buddies for several years now, They go to shows together, and spend a week at fair together.  And enjoys each others company daily.
      Now I also want to give you an update on our new puppies.  They are 6 days old today, they still aren't moving around a lot, but that will be happening soon enough.  So here is the 6 day visual. Look at all those colors, and spots. As they grow they are going to be gorgeous, can't wait to see it.  Well that is all for this evening. Keep checking back and watching as our farm progresses in to winter, the puppies grow, and new ones born.  We will be previewing another momma in a couple weeks, I will give you a hint, her name is Patches.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love the pic with Anna and what's not to love about puppies!